Saturday, August 30, 2008

Huda - : Haryana Urban Development Authority

Huda - : Haryana Urban Development Authority

Huda: Haryana Urban Development Authority,Panchkula,INDIA

The main objective of any organisation should be public Service & Welfare. HUDA is committed to these high ideals. With a view to being in greater transparency in its functioning, HUDA now goes online. This should help the public, in general and the allottees, in particular, in having complete information regarding HUDA's setup, procedures, policies and guideline etc. However, the information provided on this website is for guidance purpose of general public about the present rules & regulations and procedures of HUDA. It is not a legal document, and as such it cannot be reproduced in any legal matter. As and when the policies or regulations are changed, the same shall be applicable.


The Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA), a statutory body of Haryana Govt. was constituted under the Haryana Urban Development Authority Act, 1977. Before the constitution of HUDA, the Deptt. Of Urban Estates, which was established in the year 1962, used to look after the work concerning planned development of urban areas and it functioned under the aegis of the Town & Country Planning Deptt. The functioning of the Urban Estates Deptt. was earlier regulated by the Punjab Urban Estates (Development & Regulations) Act, 1964 and rules made thereunder and the various development activities used to be carried out by different departments of the State Govt. such as P.W.D (B&R), Public Health, Haryana State Electricity Board etc. But it was observed that the involvement of several agencies in the development of Urban Estates at various places had given rise to problems of coordination with the result that growth of most of Urban Estates became slow and caused unnecessary dissatisfaction among the plot-holders in particular and public in general. Besides, as the Deptt. had to follow the financial rules and regulations of Govt., the arrangement of finances and sanction of estimates took a long time and the development works had not kept pace with the required standards of physical development. It was also considered that being Govt. department, it was unable to raise resources from various lending institutions although there were various financial institutions in the country to finance urban development programmes which could be availed of. Thus in order to over come all these difficulties and to achieve the expeditious development of urban estates, it was felt that the Deptt. Of Urban Estates should be converted into such a body which could take up all the developmental activities itself and provide various facilities in the urban estates expeditiously. Accordingly, the Authority has taken over work which was being handled by individual departments.The main functions of Haryana Urban Development Authority are as under :-

To promote and secure development of urban areas with the power to acquire, sell and dispose off property, both movable and immovable ;
To acquire, develop and dispose land for residential, industrial and commercial purpose ;
To make available developed land to Haryana Housing Board and other bodies for providing houses to economically weaker sections of the society ; and
To undertake building works.

The Authority consists of a Chairman( Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana), a Vice Chairman ( Chief Secretary to Govt.,Haryana), a Chief Administrator and such other members (not more than 12 but not less than 6) appointed under notification issued from time to time provided that the number of non-official members shall not, at any time exceed three . The HUDA has various wings, like Urban Branch, Engineering, Town Planning and Architecture, Financial, Legal and Monitoring. The Chief Administrator at the Head-Quarters is the overall incharge and responsible for discharging functions of the Authority assisted by four zonal Administrators, posted at Panchkula, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Hisar and one Administrator at H.Q. The Chief Administrator is guided by the policies framed by the Authority headed by the Minister-in-charge (designated as the Chairman of the Authority) of the Town & Country Planning Departments, under Section-8 of the HUDA Act, 1977.


HUDA has so far setup 27 Urban estates throughout the state. The work of these Urban Estates is being looked after by four zonal Administrators assisted by six Estate Officers and 11 Asstt. Estate Officers. The main functions of these Estate Officers are to sell developed and undeveloped plots of all categories of land and realise the amount of instalments. All the financial receipts of transactions are looked after by the Estate Officers and channelised through the Accounts Branch of Head Office for expenditure on development activities. These estate officers are also responsible for persuing the matters relating to the construction activities within the frame work of construction and building rules applicable thereto. The Administrators act as co-ordinators between various wings engaged in the planned urban development of the respective areas and are responsible for the implementation of various schemes/projects being executed in these areas. The zonal Administrators are located at following places:-

Administrator, HUDA, Panchkula, C-3, Sector-6, Panchkula,
Ph. +91 - 0172 - 560024(O).
Administrator, HUDA, Faridabad, HUDA Complex, Sector-12, Faridabad,
Ph. +91 - 0129 - 2370084 (O)
Administrator, HUDA, Gurgaon, HUDA Complex,Sector-14, Gurgaon.
Ph. +91 - 0124 - 2321650(O)
Administrator, HUDA, Hisar, HUDA Complex, U.E.II, Hisar.
Ph. +91 - 01662 - 245385 (O)
Administrator, HUDA, Rohtak, Sector-1, Rohtak.
Ph. +91 - 01262 - 292786 (O)
Administrator posted at H.Q. is overall incharge and responsible for co-ordination among different wings of the Authority. All the matters relating to policy matters and allotment of land to various institutions etc. are also being dealt by him. The financial and administrative powers have also been delegated to him.


Establishment work of HUDA is looked after by the Secretary HUDA. He also conducts the meetings of the Authority and rule branch of HUDA is also headed by him.


The The Engineering Wing works under the control of two Chief Engineers who are assisted at Head Quarter by an Additional Chief Engineer, two Superintending Engineers & four Executive Engineers. For taking care of execution of different type of works in field, the Engineering Wing is further sub divided into Civil, Electrical & Horticulture circles.
Civil Circles The entire state is divided into 7 Circles & 22 Divisions headed by Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers respectively. The civil circles are located one each at Panchkula, Karnal, Faridabad, Rohtak, Hisar and two at Gurgaon.
Electrical Circle The electrical works in the state are being looked after by a Superintending Engineer at Panchkula & assisted by three electrical Divisions located at Panchkula, Gurgaon & Hisar.
Horticulture Circle The Horticulture works are being taken care of by a Superintending Engineer at Panchkula & assisted by three horticultre Divisions located at Panchkula, Gurgaon & Hisar.
As soon as the land is acquired and handed-over to the HUDA, infrastructural development works are taken up by the Engineering wing as per approved layout plan of the area, and after providing the basic infrastructural facilities, possession of the plots is handed over to the Estate Office, who in turn offers the possession to the respective allottees. The basic infrastructural facilities includes the approach road, Electrification, water supply and sewerage facilities. The other infrastructural activities like community buildings, parks and other facilities are taken up simultaneously and are linked with the inhabitation in the Urban Estate.


The Finance/Accounts Wing is headed by the Chief Controller of Finance which comprises of Sr.Accounts Officer at the Head Quarters and with all the Administrators assisted by Accounts Officers and supporting staff posted in all the Estates, Circle, Divisional offices etc. This Wing is responsible for the financial management of the Authority. The existing system of accounting at all levels including that of Engineering Wing is basically on the pattern of P.W.D. which is being replaced by the commercial system of accounts in such a way that it yields information required for planning and control of different functional areas and in the preparation of managerial reports. Similarly, the planning and control of material stores is of crucial significance which is being improved through introduction of performance budgeting, materials and inventory planning and control based on net work and cost control techniques

HUDA is working on no profit no loss basis and carrying out its activities by circulation of funds. The funds generated out of sale of residential, industrial and institutional plots are invested in acquisition of new areas which enable HUDA to generate more plots for the public and more funds for the development works and new acquisitions.

The Price fixed on no profit no loss basis is charged from the plot holders with the stipulation that any enhanced compensation in the land cost awarded by the courts under section-18 of the Land Acquisition Act shall be recoverable in addition as and when such eventuality happens.

The plots to the Economical Weaker Section of the Soceity are provided on a subsidized rate of Rs.500/- per Sq.yd. in of Urban Estate, Panchkula, Gurgaon and Faridabad, Rs. 400/-, per Sq.yd. at Karnal, Panipat and Bahadurgarh and Rs. 300/- per Sq.yd in all other Urban Estate, and the loss on this account is charged from the higher categories of the plots through cross subsidization.


The Architecture and Town Planning wings have been established at the Head-Quarters to look after the work of perspective Planning for establishment of new urban estates, research and development of zoning and architectural controls, the design of city centres, Planning of commercial area, land scape, designing of parks and open spaces including nurseries and all other works of urban design. The Town Planning wing is headed by a Chief Town Planner (HUDA) who is assisted by a Senior Town Planner & District Town Planners. Architecture wing comprises of Senior Architect and his staff for preparation of Architectural controls and Architectural designs of all buildings constructed by HUDA. On the Architecture side there is a Land Scape Architect also for designing parks, open spaces and gardens. The Town Planning Wing has also been entrusted with the job of designing and issue of advertisements in the newspapers regarding sale of sites in City Centres, Shopping Centres and residential / industrial sectors in all the Urban Estates.


In order to monitor the progress of the developmental works done by the field offices on regular and timely basis a Monitoring Cell was set up at the Head Office of the Authority which is headed by the Deputy Economic & Statistical Adviser and supporting staff at the field level. The work relating to the regular systematic inflow of performance data and its appraisal for future planning of urban development is being done by this cell.


The HUDA is an organisation which deals with the acquisition and disposal of developed land for various purposes and accordingly legal complications of various natures do arise which are being taken care of by the Legal Cell of the Authority which is manned by a Joint Director (Legal) with the necessary supporting staff both at the Headquarters and field offices.


The acquisition of land for urban development is undertaken by four Land Acquisition Officers of the Urban Estates Deptt. at the instance of Authority. The State Govt. on the request of the Authority acquires land under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 and after taking possession of land, transfers it to the Authority on payment. The overall cost of acquisition and enhanced compensation if ordered by the court is paid by the HUDA out of its own funds.

(a) Market Rate Compensation to Land Owners

Before 09.02.1995 the award for land acquisition was announced on the basis of rates determined by concerned District Collector who was the Competent Authority under Revenue Law to assess such rates. The assessment was based on the average of registered sale transactions during the last 5 years prior to the Section-4 notification in respect of adjoining lands of similar category. (The claims U/s 9 of the Land Acquisition Act filed by the Land Owners/interested persons were also taken into consideration by the Land Acquisition Collector before announcing the award.)

However, it was felt that the above mentioned collector rates did not reflect the actual market prices and therefore on 09.02.1995 Government costituted a committee comprising of the following officers to decide the market price to be paid to the land owners in case of acquisition by the Government :-

The above instructions of the Government were modified on 20.06.1995 by changing the composition of the committee thus:-

Divisional Commissioner Chairman
Dy. Commissioner concerned Member Secretary
Representative of the concerned Member Department.
District Revenue Officer concerned Member
The above committee is to determine the market price by taking into consideration the average of 1 year sale price and not of 5 years as was the practice earlier.
In short, the Land Acquisition Collector announces the award taking into consideration the rates so fixed by the committee headed by the Divisional Commissioner as well as the claims received U/s 9 of the Land Acquisition Act filed by the land owners and the interested pe rsons. However, the land owner has the option of requesting the Collector to refer the matter to the court U/s 18 of the said Act., if he is not saisfied with the award given by the Land Acquisition Collector.

(b) Stages in acquisition, planning and development of a sector.

The Town & Country Planning Department of the State has prepared/ finalised development plans of various towns/controlled area taking into consideration the further needs of Indl. Residential and commercial sectors so as to ensure proper and planned urban development, exercising the powers inherited by sub-section(4) of section 5 of Punjab Development Act, 1963. Thereis a laid down procedure for acquisition of land for the development of residential, Industrial, Institutional as well as Commercial sectors/area while identyfying the land for a specific purpose aspects local requirements, demand sale potential accessibility viability are taken into consideration, thereafter the identified land is notified. The objections to the proposed acquisition are invited and after hearing the objection received by a standing joint inspection committee the land is finally acquired.

Once the land is acquired, possession is taken over and layout plan/zoning plan of the area is finalised, the plots provided in the layout plan are floated for allotment. Development works are undertaken as per approved demarcation plan, and after completion of development works, possession is handed over to the allotees

( c) Release of land.

Once the land is notified under section 4 of Land Acquisition Act, the land owners and other persons, whose land is acquired may file objections to the acquisition of their land under section 5A of Land Acquisition Act. The standing joint inspection Committee constituted under the chairmanship of zonal Administrator, HUDA, considers the objection so received and submits its recommendations. Normally the land faliing under the following categories is considered for release from acquisition.

Land falling under structure of A & B class existing prior to notification under section-4, providing these structures do not fall in the proposed road, or green belt area.
Land falling under the existing place of worships.
Land under the ownership of Wakf board.
Land against which licences for setting up a colony has been granted by the competent authority.
Land under the ownership of Govt. of India. Such land is acquired by way of transfer.
Any other land which State Govt. may decide not to acquire.
Haryana Govt. took a decision in the year 1987 to utilise the surplus Govt. lands for generating resources for State Exchequer. The Council of Ministers in the meeting held on 14.12.87 had approved the general scheme of alienation of surplus Govt. land and properties which had been identified by the concerned Deputy Commissioners in consultation with the departments concerned in various towns of Haryana. These lands were then transferred to the Department of Town & Country Planning, Haryana for further alienation to HUDA for development and disposal. In all 14 schemes have been taken up with an area of 455.95 acres out of these 14 schemes, 9 schemes were commercial in nature, 4 residential and 1 industrial scheme.

Since disposal of plots under Govt. Land Schemes through auction has not worked well. It has been decided by the govt. that balance residential plots under Govt. Land Scheme falling in low potential areas may be floated and the plots may be allotted through draw of lots.


Consequent upon the winding up of the Colonization Department with effect from 30th September, 1983 vide Haryana Govt. Town & Country Planning Department’s notification No.18(43) 85-2TCP dated 19.9.83, the Mandi Portion of 31 Mandi Townships established by the Colonisation Department were transferred to the Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board and the remaining portion of the 29 Mandi Townships came to the share of Haryana Urban Development Authority. As a sequal to the HUDA become a successor organisation to the colonisation Deptartment for all intents and purposes for Township areas.

The total land measuring 3516.439 acres (including vacant land measuring 1316.81 acres and 3422 vacant plots) of 29 Mandi Townships established by earstwhile Colonisation Deptt. were taken over by HUDA on 11.9.87. As a sequal to that HUDA became a successor organisation to the Colonization Department for all intents and purposes for Township Areas.

Tags: huda,,,huda results


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