Friday, September 5, 2008

Risk Allowance is Withdrawan as per Sixth Pay Commission

Risk Allowance is Withdrawan as per Sixth Pay Commission

Risk Allowance - Risk Allowance is withdrawn as per the Sixth Pay Commission Report and instead of that employees will be

provided with free Life and Medical Insurance of Rs 5 Lakhs.

Free Medical and Life Insurance Amounts as per Pay Band

Employees be provided with free medical and life insurance of
Rs.5 lakhs for employees in PB-1 pay band,
Rs.7 lakhs for employees in PB-2 pay band,
Rs.10 lakhs for employees in PB-3 pay band/higher pay bands/scales.

The amount of the insurance should automatically be increased by 50% every time the DA payable on the revised pay goes up by

50%. The entire expenditure on paying premium for this insurance will be borne by the Government.

The amount insured will be paid in case of any serious injury/death sustained in the course of employment and will be over

and above the other benefits available to all categories of Government employees.

These employees should also be provided with additional health benefits with mandatory health check-ups every quarter and

enhanced leave, wherever the same is necessary for proper recuperation.


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